We haven’t imitated the kind of modern prison that hundreds and thousands of people live in on crowded housing estates... Instead of “more flats, more people” we said “the more trees, the more life”. We didn’t create the kind of closed-in place where there are traffic jams in the car park, an ever-lengthening queue for the lift, and stress starts at your own front door. Instead of creating a drab pile of concrete, we created a "dream village" in the heart of the city. Aloha Homes project was chosen as the result of a competition in which four differerent architectural projects were evaluated, we’ve been working on it for a year. It will be in the very midst of a 17.735 m² green area amongst 11.526 m² of landscaping and a little forest. Aloha Homes will be a dream village for only 66 select families to live in peace and comfort. Children will live in a really natural and colourful way; “green, will be greener than ever”, new friendships will be born and Aloha Homes will be filled with unforgettable memories. Throughout your “holiday” in Aloha Homes, you will live in comfort with confidence where no one can bother you.